Loblaw Corporate Responsibility Initiative to Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags

Loblaw Companies Limited announced plans to eliminate all single-use plastic shopping bags from its corporate and franchise grocery stores, pharmacies, and PC Express service across the country, by the first quarter of 2023.  The company was one of the first major retailers in Canada to implement a pay-for-bag program to help reduce plastic waste.

"As a purpose-led organization, committed to helping Canadians live life well, we are proud to be taking a significant step on such an important environmental issue," said Robert Sawyer, Chief Operating Officer, Loblaw Companies Limited.  "Since 2007, our efforts to reduce the number of single-use plastic shopping bags leaving our stores has led to 13.8 billion fewer bags potentially going into landfill."

The adoption of a plastic bag fee led to a 70% decline in the use of plastic bags in its stores.  As single-use plastic shopping bags are phased out systematically, customers will be supported with a variety of reusable alternatives as well as ongoing communications to raise awareness of the options available.

This is the latest in a long line of announcements related to Loblaw's environmental, social and governance efforts. To help fight climate change, the company also plans for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, zero food waste, and reducing plastic waste.
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