Marketers will be able to create a deeper level of engagement with consumers through Twitter’s revamped website, which industry experts say is a welcome change.

The redesign, which the social networking and micro-blogging service began to preview September 14, touts enhancements such as embedded photos and videos; a “window” with richer details, such as replies, and other Tweets created by the user; a map of geo-tagged Tweets; and mini-profiles that don’t require navigating from the main page.

“Twitter has always been about getting a lot in a little. The constraint of 140 characters drives conciseness and lets you quickly discover and share what’s happening. Yet, we’ve learned something since starting Twitter — life doesn’t always fit into 140 characters or less,” Twitter said in a blog post detailing the changes.

There will be a big upside for marketers that participate in Twitter’s advertising as long as more consumers use Twitter regularly, said David Berkowitz, senior director of emerging media and innovation at 360i, a digital agency.

“It’s going to encourage them to do more with multimedia,” he said.

Images and videos uploaded to Twitter generally require consumers to move from the microblogging service to another site, Berkowitz explained

“Now,  once it’s all on the screen where you are, it is going to encourage more people to interact with any photos and videos that get posted,” he said. “So, I think brands will [also] be more encouraged to do that —  especially marketers that have a lot of great content.”

Read the full article here.

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