Top stock photo and footage site a leader in harnessing social media to drive connections with its global community
NEW YORK, Aug. 31—Shutterstock, the leading global provider of stock images and stock footage by subscription, has applied its winning ways to the social media realm, creating the strongest sense of community for buyers and contributors in the stock image industry.
Over the last year, Shutterstock has developed several innovative apps, such as Shuttertweet for Twitter and the Shutterstock Contributor App for Facebook, which enable contributors to alert friends and followers when Shutterstock accepts or sells their images.
Last March, the company started The Shutterstock Blog, a site filled with informative, creative content, the free images of the week, and the latest company news and updates. In June, Shutterstock launched a new blog geared to contributors called Shutterbuzz, which provides helpful tips and techniques for photographers, illustrators and videographers. Here, contributors can read up on various camera equipment, learn how to avoid getting their images rejected, and even write their own blog posts for inclusion.
In addition, Shutterstock recently hit 20,000 fans on Facebook, the most among its competitors, and has over 30,000 followers on Twitter.
Shutterstock’s high-quality collection of over 12 million fresh, vibrant stock images, and the brand’s remarkable success with crowdsourcing, have made it a favorite among bloggers. In a poll conducted by TopRank’s Online Marketing Blog this year, readers voted Shutterstock as the best source for royalty-free stock photos.
Adam Singer, who writes The Future Buzz blog and is an Online Marketing Blog contributor, said social media outreach has been a significant asset to Shutterstock.
“The community and trust Shutterstock is building provides quantitative and qualitative results and will prove an asset to their continued growth,” said Singer. “Shutterstock has become the definitive stock photo site for digitally savvy audiences.” Singer is one of a select group of influential bloggers provided with access to the Shutterstock library as a way to show Shutterstock’s exceptional utility in online publishing.
For Shutterstock, leveraging social media platforms to drive a strong connection with its global base of customers and contributors is an extension of the company’s commitment to providing superior customer service.
“Our ability to successfully leverage social media platforms demonstrates our desire to connect with Shutterstock’s large base of stock image buyers and contributors around the world,” said Jon Oringer, founder and CEO of Shutterstock. “Our dedication to truly communicate with our community is what makes us stand out in a highly competitive market.”
About Shutterstock®
Founded in 2003, Shutterstock is an innovative global e-commerce company and a leading provider of stock photos, illustrations, and footage. Shutterstock provides royalty-free content to creative professionals worldwide, specializing in subscription products that are simple and user-friendly. For more information, visit