A Powerhouse of Partnerships Brings Personalized Customer Engagement and Energy Savings to Malaysia

Energy Savings to CustomerConservation, in one form or another, is usually a big part of many customer engagement and loyalty programs. However, most of the time those savings come from the economic aspects of the program. But a new customer engagement initiative from Tenaga Nasional Berhad will not only help customers save money on energy bills, it also promises to help residents manage and save energy.

The new customer engagement program comes through a new partnership between Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia’s largest energy provider, and Opower, the utility industry’s largest global designer of cloud-based software.

Now nearly 7 million people across the Malaysian Peninsula and Southeast Asia may soon gain access to a suite of personalized energy information that will help manage their energy use and lower electricity bills.

For now, however, the program is only in the pilot stage, and the TNB will first test its efficacy in 200,000 homes in Klang Valley, Negeri Sembilan and Malacca.

“We’re excited to partner with TNB on this pilot,” said Daniel Yates, CEO of Opower. “Building an engagement channel that puts the customer first a critical step in paving the way for successful infrastructure improvements such as Smart Meters. TNB is building the kind of customer experience that will be more typical in the future, as utilities find ways to use big data to deliver value to customers.”

Many brands and companies today are beginning to realize the power of personalized customer engagement, and this new partnership is TNB’s latest attempt to continue on that path.TNB partnership

The big data that Opower will analyze for TNB will be delivered to customers through a convenient online interface. After gaining access, personalized and free home energy reports will be readily available to customers. 

In addition to clear and easy-to-understand breakdowns of energy use patterns, the reports will also include customized advice and tips for how each individual household can save energy.

“This customer engagement program is part of our latest efforts to transform the customer experience,” said Datuk Seri Azman Mohd, President and Chief Executive Officer at Tenaga Nasional Berhad. “TNB has partnered with Opower to create a program that will give our customers greater insight into their energy usage, and empower them to control their usage and save money on their monthly energy bills.”

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