A majority of marketers see sharing content as a way to demonstrate thought leadership


Both consumers and marketers are faced with an ever more fractured media landscape in which informative and engaging content can be hard to find. But enterprising marketers are taking the reins and curating their own content in the hopes of providing the material that their customers are searching for.

These days, almost all marketers are finding, filtering and sharing content, according to content curation services provider Curata. In a March 2012 poll of more than 400 US marketers and agencies that sold to business-to-business and business-to-consumer companies, Curata found that 95% had curated content in some way over the past six months by sharing a link, blog post or other content type with a potential customer.

The survey also found that 85% of respondents viewed the main objective of content creation as establishing thought leadership. Building a brand’s visibility and buzz was a close second, at 80%.


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