C Spire Views Customers as Individuals, Not an Aggregated Mass

C Spire, which garnered a Platinum Award for Best Use of Customer Insight or Voice of the Customer in Loyalty Marketing at the inaugural Loyalty360 Awards in March, recently earned more recognition from the Association of National Advertisers.

The ANA bestowed upon wireless service provider C Spire the 2014 Marketing Analytics Leadership Award—a $100,000 competition that spotlights companies leading the way in using analytics to improve marketing results and accelerate growth.

Justin Croft, manager of Brand Platforms and Analytics for C Spire, told Loyalty360 that the company focuses on customers as individuals.

“We do a variety of analytics and maintain numerous predictive models, but the consistent theme is the customer,” Croft explained. “At every step we are looking at customers as individuals, not as an aggregated mass. That allows us to build and use analytics for retention, cross and upsell, and to fine-tune the customer service experience. All the analytics and models add revenue and margin, but the key insights come from comprehensively dealing with individuals at scale−that’s when you see the results.”

Here are some specific examples of C Spire’s excellence in analytics:

Increasing the effectiveness of customer retention campaigns by 50%

Driving upsell campaigns that delivered the equivalent of an additional 3% of sales, with no additional distribution costs or employees

Driving millions of dollars in incremental margin annually

Entrants were evaluated by an independent panel of current and former CMOs, top academics, and industry leaders.

C Spire is a diversified telecommunications and technology services company that provides world-class customer-inspired service and a superior comprehensive suite of wireless communications, high-speed Internet access, and a range of other telecommunications products and services to consumers and businesses.

Croft offered his view of why C Spire has excelled in customer analytics.

“A major key to success is the buy-in from leadership and support at every level for the analytics systems we’ve built,” he said. “We wanted to change the business with analytics so we’ve gone beyond models and reports and built a predictive system that is integrated into every customer touch point. We reach 50% of our base through analytics each month. We couldn’t do that without employees across the company seeing the value of tools like this.”

Croft explained why customer data analysis is so critical for brands today to gain a competitive edge.

“There are several reasons,” he said. “Generally, consumer expectations have risen−they want to do business with companies that know them, that know their interests, and that won't waste their time with irrelevant messages and offers. Analytics can fill those gaps. Additionally, as more brands leverage data and analytics, there is an increasing degree of haves and have nots. Companies who use analytics are more profitable and more competitive than those back at square one. And if a competitor knows more about your customers than you do, you’re going to lose market share.” 

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