With Black Friday and Cyber Monday approaching, shoppers are just beginning their holiday shopping. To better understand online shopping habits and customer experience, Moxie Software Inc. performed a survey that showed the biggest detriment to customer loyalty and the reason consumers avoid online shopping is the lack of in-person assistance and proactive engagement from brands.
The study involved more than 2,500 consumers who answered questions about their online shopping plans and preferences for the upcoming holiday season.
“Brands can deliver consistent, digital customer engagement channels across devices to better support consumers on their online journey,” said Rebecca Ward, president and CEO of Moxie in a release. “To increase conversion, companies can anticipate customers’ needs and provide them the right engagement at the right time to help consumers accomplish what they are trying to do.”
The study revealed that 72% of those surveyed said they want brands to proactively engage with them online, especially when they are struggling on a website. Two out of three shoppers said if they were offered proactive engagement, they may do more of their shopping online.
In addition, shoppers want to receive relevant information proactively offered by a website based on where the consumer is and what he/she is trying to do on a brand’s website and the ability to connect with a brand representative via chat or video chat session to answer questions. They also want to share screens with a brand representative to help complete a complex form or task.
Moxie’s Mobile Chat Helps During the Holidays
Moxie’s Mobile Chat gives brands an opportunity to tap into the power mobile to connect customers with customer representatives in real time. Loyalty360 discussed this new platform with Tara Sporrer, Moxie’s vice president of marketing.
How do you think Moxie's Mobile Chat impacts brand loyalty?
Mobile engagement is more important than ever. Despite 95% of people on Earth possessing a mobile device, conversion rates on mobile are so low they cannot be ignored. Customers are no longer tethered and tolerant, they are mobile and multitasking, trying to accomplish important tasks while waiting in line or sitting in at the airport. Proactive engagement on mobile can turn a frustrated customer into a fan because you’ve saved them time and helped them book a ticket, transfer funds or purchase a gift quickly and efficiently. In October 2014, a study commissioned by Moxie revealed that 62% of consumers expect brands to have chat available on the mobile device.
What has the feedback been from companies so far that are using Mobile Chat?
Our customers report anywhere from 30%-50% of their traffic is mobile and this number is growing rapidly. The accelerated growth in mobile by consumers has fueled interest in discovering innovative technology like Mobile Chat to engage with constantly connected mobile consumers. We’ve received positive feedback on the product specifically around the product design. Two examples are: one is the fact that the consumer maintains the context of the original page while chatting versus getting lost in multiple windows. The second one is the visual indicator feature that alerts the consumer when a representative has sent a message. Features like these ones and more make the Mobile Chat experience as easy as using the mobile device itself.
Do you think Mobile Chat will be even more valuable to retailers during the holidays?
Absolutely. At least 20%–30% of shopping for the Black Friday and Cyber Monday will be done via mobile devices. During the busy holiday season, brands want to make it as simple as possible for consumers to accomplish what they are trying to do online and Mobile Chat helps answer questions quickly and does not force the consumer to switch channels, facilitating the buying process.