DoorDash has partnered with Lyft to provide exclusive perks for DashPass and Lyft users, enhancing the value of both local delivery and rideshare services. As of October 30, DashPass members can access special Lyft benefits without extra cost, while eligible Lyft riders receive a complimentary DashPass trial. In addition, users will benefit from 5% off Lyft rides and 10% discounts on airport rides, up to four a month in combined benefits. Plus, users receive two free Priority Pickup upgrades a month, and a free three-month trial to DashPass for new members.
DoorDash President and Chief Operating Officer, Prabir Adarkar, stated, “Since the launch of DashPass, we’ve been focused on building a membership program that provides tremendous value by helping people save on everything from restaurant meals to groceries to entertainment. Members enjoy $0 delivery fees and get streaming with Max included at no additional cost with the DashPass Annual Plan. Our partnership with Lyft, a leader in the transportation space, gives DashPass members yet another way to save on the things that matter most to them.”
Lyft Executive Vice President of Rider Experience, Audrey Liu, added, “Lyft connects you to where you’re going, when you’re out on the town, and when you’re ordering in with friends at their place. With DoorDash, we’re continuing to give riders more reasons to choose Lyft every time through partnerships that serve amazing value and savings on everything from local delivery, to travel, and more.”
Additionally, for users who link their accounts by December 31, 2024, there’s a special holiday offer. Linked DashPass and Lyft accounts can unlock a 50% discount on up to four scheduled airport rides, up to $25 per ride, along with 50% off a DoorDash order up to $10.
In addition to new member benefits, Lyft and DoorDash are also launching a Nightlife Report to reveal the best cities for experiencing the nightlife, based on ride histories and trends in late-night ordering.
DashPass members have saved more than $10 billion worldwide since its 2018 launch, benefiting from $0 delivery fees and discounted service fees on eligible orders.
DashPass and Lyft users can link their accounts to begin accessing the new exclusive perks immediately.
Watch as YouTube influencer Ride Along with Bri comments on the new partnership:
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