Marketers face a great time of uncertainty. We are now in the midst of a consumer renaissance or even, some might say, a revolution. Brands and marketers are no longer able to rely on established consumer trends, old buying patterns, and conventional norms to frame a customer engagement strategy. Times have changed, and so have the customers who are now displaying an array of new behaviors that are different from anything brands have seen before. Moreover, these behaviors appear to be in a constant state of flux. As new digital and social technologies continually emerge to advance the landscape in new and exciting ways, the consumers themselves are just as quickly evolving along in tandem.
In many ways, this means it is now up to the brands to keep up with the customers, which marks a significant shift in this relationship dynamic. This is not only relegated to the domain of consumerism either. These shifts are reverberating across our entire culture, and they are modifying a number of previously established gender roles, which are now coming to the attention of those brands seeking to engage certain demographics with a higher degree of precision and relevance.
This was a recent focus of the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group (DPSG). After noticing some new trends in the way men and women conducted a variety of grocery shopping behaviors. DPSG began to formulate a strategy to target male shoppers in ways that significantly diverged from most historical modes of marketing that had almost exclusively only focused on women.