Everlast Gets Assist in Customer Engagement Department

Everlast Worldwide officials wanted to better connect with their online customers, creating greater engagement, and attaining brand loyalty.

As a manufacturer, distributor, and wholesaler of boxing and fitness equipment, Everlast recently rebuilt its ecommerce site, which led the company to control roughly 85% of the boxing products market. To assist in its increased focus on ecommerce, Everlast partnered with SLI Systems−a global leader and provider of ecommerce products and services for mid-to-large size Internet retailers and B2B sites−to improve its site search and merchandising to better connect shoppers with the products they are most likely to buy.

Everlast’s new search uses SLI Learning Search technology, which learns from visitors’ site search activity and click-throughs to deliver the most relevant search results. What’s more, the new site offers SLI Rich Auto Complete so that, from the first letter typed into the search box, shoppers view the items they want in an easy-to-click drop-down menu, decreasing the time they spend searching and increasing the number of products they see.

“The search relevance, analytics and merchandising controls are what set SLI apart,” said Mike Ebert, ecommerce director of Everlast Worldwide. “I could get SLI up and running quickly and deliver benefits right away. Even if I don’t touch it often, the solution is consistent and performs well all the time.”

Everlast also solved its need to showcase products in unique ways with the SLI Merchandising Console. With the ability to create banners on results pages and promote specific products, Everlast can merchandise to two separate customer groups – its longtime customer base of boxing enthusiasts, and a new group of customers looking to add boxing to an overall fitness routine.

“With our previous platform’s site search, Everlast saw only 1% of site traffic using search and only 0.15% of those were converting,” Ebert added. “Since implementing SLI, the conversion rate increased more than six times and now revenue from search represents 10% of Everlast’s revenue.”

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