Research & Reports


Loyalty360 reports on news and trends related to loyalty marketing, customer loyalty, customer engagement, customer experience, CRM, voice of the customer and more. Our ongoing coverage is of interest to marketers and operations professionals in any industry.

4 Quick Ways to Achieve Premium Loyalty Success

Premium loyalty programs have exploded over the last few years. Paid programs are successful because consumers are entering into a defined...

Loyalty Today


Read the latest from industry experts and our members in Loyalty360's Loyalty Today and Loyalty Management Magazine sections

Bizrate Insights Named Top Vendor for Customer Ratings & Reviews

The Bizrate Insights team has exciting news! For the fourth year in a row, Bizrate Insights has been recognized as a leading vendor to the top 1000...

2021 Holiday Shopping Plans [Consumer Data]
Quick Tips for Premium Loyalty Program Success

Synapse is a marketing and technology services company focused on building relationships, continuity marketing, customer engagement and retention. With over 700 media brands available, our customized marketing programs have generated over $1 billion in profit for our partners and we have decremented over 150 billion points/miles. Our multi...
