Loyalty360 Reads: March 13th, 2019

Spotify Accuses Apple of Anticompetitive Practices in Europe
Spotify has accused Apple of using its App store to promote Apple apps at the expense of competitors. “Apple has long frustrated app makers by charging a fee of up to 30 percent on anything sold through its App Store. Now Spotify is telling the European Commission, an aggressive regulator of the tech industry, that the policies are more than just a costly nuisance, but a ‘tax’ that violates competition laws and merits an investigation.” Omnichannel marketing and loyalty efforts have come to depend on apps. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
SMBs and eCommerce Retailers Can Stay Safe from Fraud
Despite many advances, payment fraud still occurs throughout the world of ecommerce. How can brands respond? The right tech isn’t just helpful—it’s become necessary. “Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning-based tools is a good place to start. Companies often employ analysts to sift through data and see if there are any anomalies. But to deeply examine and understand all of it requires precious time and effort that cannot rely on manpower alone. It is unrealistic for people to process all this information, no matter how big the team. Trying to identify patterns at this scale can only be accomplished with the assistance of technology.”
Yext and Adobe Partner to Unify Brand Experiences
Yext is a platform that helps put brands in places where consumers are asking questions online (forums, searches, etc.) It is now collaborating with Adobe to offer brands unified experience throughout the web. “The partnership, which Yext announced Wednesday morning, will enable brands on Adobe’s platform to boost their data outside of their Adobe-hosted sites and across all of the properties under Yext’s purview, including dozens of search engines, mobile apps, and voice assistants.”
Customer Experience
Adidas CEO Predicts eCommerce Is the Future
Kasper Rorsted told CNBC, “We launched our own app last year, and it’s been downloaded more than 7 million times in more than 25 countries. We think ecommerce is still in its early days, and there’s going to be a tremendous opportunity, but you have to couple it with big franchise stores or flagship stores where you can see the product. But there is no doubt ecommerce and ecommerce through a mobile environment is the future of our company.” The takeaway here is that ecommerce is likely to continue taking over many different industries. No one was buying shoes online fifteen years ago, but now, it’s the norm.
A Love of Videogames Can Increase Employability
Your parents were wrong and hell has frozen: “Employers across a range of industries are embracing résumés that include backgrounds in making or playing videogames, concluding the digital pastime can help employees with online collaboration, problem solving, and other critical workplace skills.” In particular, recruiters in the IT field view a passion for video games as a positive asset, an interest relevant to their work.

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