Research & Reports


Loyalty360 reports on news and trends related to loyalty marketing, customer loyalty, customer engagement, customer experience, CRM, voice of the customer and more. Our ongoing coverage is of interest to marketers and operations professionals in any industry.

2024 Customer Loyalty Trends and Perspectives: Loyalty360 Research & Reports   

The customer loyalty landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, marked by unprecedented opportunity but also uncertainty — brought on...

Loyalty Today


Read the latest from industry experts and our members in Loyalty360's Loyalty Today and Loyalty Management Magazine sections

Implementing an Instant Payments Infrastructure – A Guide to Success

Instant payments are becoming the norm globally, with real-time payments schemes appearing in new countries every year. In this series of...

Loyalty Management


Read the latest from industry experts and our members in Loyalty360's Loyalty Today and Loyalty Management Magazine sections

Loyalty at the Point of Sale: Where Relevant, Personal Offers Resonate

Your goals are straightforward: Motivate your customers to shop with you more often, entice them to spend more money every time they do, and...

Featured Technology


The Featured Technology page highlights some of the most impactful, innovative and effective tools and technologies in the market today for helping companies engage and retain customers.

Loyalty360 Featured Technology & Services | FIS

Supplier Type: Customer Loyalty Technology with Supporting ServicesTarget industries: Banking/Finance, Retail, eCommerce, Convenience Store/Grocery...

FIS Global

FIS is a leading provider of technology solutions for merchants, banks and capital markets firms globally. Our 55,000 people are dedicated to advancing the way the world pays, banks and invests by applying our scale, deep expertise and data-driven insights. We help our clients use technology in innovative ways to solve business-critical...


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