Engagement & Experience Expo is a forum to openly discuss customer, brand and channel challenges and solutions. Discover how to optimize the customer experience at all touch-points and increase the impact of engagement throughout the customer lifecycle. Through a robust slate of best-in-class speakers and interactive discussions, attendees will learn about the latest theories, best practices, relevant case studies, emerging trends and strategies that drive measurable behavioral change and quantifiable results.

Providing experiences that engage customers –and keep them engaged is more important today than ever before. Creating increasingly relevant, personal and customized experiences to build deep, sustainable and reciprocal bonds with customers is what will set brands apart from their competition. By elevating the experience and leading your customers down the path of engagement, you can develop long-term mutually beneficial relationships and brand advocates on the journey to loyalty.

Engagement & Experience Expo will focus on the following topics:
  • Customer Experience: Creating tailored and targeted customer experience structures and processes.
  • Customer Engagement: Proven strategies for generating strong long-term customer, brand and channel engagement and advocacy.
  • Customer Data: Identification and collection across mediums and channels for strategic analysis, segmentation and descriptive and predictive results.
  • Customer Intelligence: Building it in a manner that creates advocacy and long-term positive behavioral influence.
  • Emerging Technologies: Cross-over of new and traditional mediums to make the most of your overall customer-centric marketing initiatives.
  • Social Media: Lessons learned, case studies and data-driven insights for today and the future.
  • Mobile: Using it to enhance the customer experience, further build customer engagement and gain customer insight.
  • Analytics, Insights & ROI: Understand, Design & Implement effective data driven "engagement" strategies to drive measurable revenue and return on marketing investments.
  • Voice of the Customer: Designing effective strategies for creating robust customer dialogues and gathering and listening to feedback.

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