Resources Available to Loyalty360 Members and Non-Members:

These resources are open and available to any Loyalty360 Member (Brand or Supplier) or individuals with a free Loyalty360 subscriber account. Visit our Find a Partner tool to find your next customer loyalty partner, or search the job board for open positions within the industry. Click here to learn more about Loyalty360 Membership or to sign up for a free account.

Find a Partner

Find a Partner:

Find support for your customer loyalty efforts with an interactive search tool

Job Board

Job Board:

Seeking a career in customer loyalty?
The Loyalty360 job board features employment opportunities across multiple industries

Statistics & Data for Customer Loyalty

Statistics & Data for Customer Loyalty:

Leading resource of vital industry-focused metrics

Industry News

Industry News:

Press releases and news articles from around the web, featuring stories on all things customer loyalty, experience, engagement, and more.

Featured Technology and Services

Featured Technology and Services:

Highlights of impactful and innovative customer loyalty technologies and strategic partners

Loyalty360 Newsletter

Loyalty360 Newsletter:

Sign up for the Loyalty360 email newsletter to stay up to date on customer loyalty news, insights, events and more.

Loyalty360 Member-Only Resources:

These resources have limited availability to Loyalty360 Brand and/or Supplier Members. Through Analyst Reports with in-depth analysis on technologies and agencies, brand member-only meetings, RFP/RFI assistance, and more, Loyalty360 is here to assist your team through your customer loyalty journey.

Loyalty University

Loyalty University:

As brands have shared a desire for continuing education opportunities, Loyalty University features supplier member-led (virtual) workshops for Loyalty360 Brand Members. Sessions highlight a diverse range of topics, catering to various aspects of customer loyalty. 

Analyst Reports

Analyst Reports:

Loyalty360's Analyst Briefs are meticulously crafted to assist brand marketers in navigating the extensive array of supplier partners and service providers within the market who bolster customer loyalty, enhance customer experience, and facilitate customer engagement strategies.

Loyalty360 Member-Only Meetings

Loyalty360 Member-Only Meetings:

Loyalty360 meetings allow brand members to meet other customer loyalty and experience-focused professionals while discussing new topics each week. Formats include Digital Roundtables and Lunch & Learn brand-led presentations. 

Loyalty360 Brand Panel

Loyalty360 Brand Panel:

Loyalty360 Brand Panel is an exclusive community for Loyalty360 brand members to connect, collaborate, and access exclusive content including on-demand meetings recordings, conference sessions, case studies, and more.

Database of Loyalty Programs

Database of Loyalty Programs:

Our database offers access to detailed data points from over 500 top-tier loyalty programs across various industries, empowering users with comprehensive insights and comparisons to optimize their loyalty strategies effectively. 

Loyalty360 Mentorship Program & Peer Groups

Loyalty360 Mentorship Program & Peer Groups:

The Loyalty360 Mentorship Program and Peer Groups provide a collaborative environment for loyalty professionals to advance their careers and deepen their understanding of customer loyalty through formalized mentorship and networking programs. 

Loyalty Metric

Loyalty Metric:

Loyalty360's Loyalty Metric Report and Benchmark Process offers marketers exclusive access to cross-industry metrics and KPIs, empowering them with invaluable insights to optimize loyalty initiatives in todays competitive landscape.

RFP/RFI Assistance

RFP/RFI Assistance:

Is your brand in search of a supplier partner in customer loyalty, customer experience, or related fields? Get in touch with Loyalty360, the unbiased and objective professional organization for customer loyalty.

Customer Loyalty Landscape Report: Platforms and Strategic Services

Customer Loyalty Landscape Report: Platforms and Strategic Services:

Loyalty360's Customer Loyalty Landscape: Platforms and Strategic Services Report offers an in-depth analysis of the customer loyalty industry, detailing customer loyalty, experience, and engagement technology partners and platforms, agencies, and consultants.

Recent Loyalty360 Member Meetings:

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