[Podcast] Loyalty360 Webinar Series: The Secrets to CPG Success in Today’s Market

  • March 17 2015
  • Resource: Multimedia
  • PunchTab

The domination of Amazon has forced retailers to verticalize, whitelabel, and prioritize their own products over those of the CPG brands who, for so long, relied on retailers are their primary sales channel. This squeeze changes everything.In...Read More

New Study: Hispanics are Actively Engaged on Social Media after Acquiring Loyalty Cards

  • December 18 2013
  • Resource: Multimedia
  • Jim Tierney, Loyalty 360

Nearly two-thirds of Hispanic shoppers' social posts about loyalty programs occur after a purchase has been made, and as much as 20% of the conversation around loyalty programs comes from non-members, according to a new study released by omni...Read More

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