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Customer-Centric MarketingCustomer experience (CX) and customer loyalty both require integration across functional and programmatic aspects of a company.Download this article to learn more about:How customer experience is tied to long-term...Read More
Rewards programs are a popular tactic used by marketers working to increase customer engagement and retention, and yet many of these programs fail to yield desired changes in customer behavior, driving little ROI or in many cases, appearing as a...Read More
In today’s multichannel environment, there’s nothing more powerful than reaching consumers on a personal level, engaging them in conversations, and motivating them to take action with your brand.While you may be focusing on acquisition...Read More
Forrester Research reports that while 74 percent of business executives say their company has a digital strategy, only 15 percent believe their company has the skills and capabilities to execute on that strategy.It’s time to put more...Read More
We live in a world where everyday items—smartphones, automobiles, security systems, wearable devices, etc.—invisibly and seamlessly communicate with each other, sensing and controlling their environment as they stay connected to all of...Read More
The world's largest telco providers deploy SmartVideo programs to enhance their customer acquisition and retention initiatives. This report benchmarks the metrics that matter for personalized video programs at several use cases across the...Read More
Card-linked offers (CLOs) have paved the way for the convergence of payment transactions with coupon/ discount delivery, are bringing more customers through the doors of participating merchants and are keeping interest high in credit/debit cards...Read More
The What Do Digital Marketers Really Want in 2015 report also includes top areas of investment for marketing activities, staffing, technology and more.According to the survey, high performing marketers not only plan to invest more into social and...Read More
When company executives hear words such as “Economy declining” or “Market slow down”, there is the inevitable move to tighten belts and weather the upcoming storms. Discretionary spend is reduced or altogether removed,...Read More
When advertising pioneer David Ogilvy made this now-famous remark, the relationship between companies and consumers was in the midst of a revolution. Specifically, the relationship was the revolution – the idea that serious and powerful...Read More
January 09,2025
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December 11,2024