Kyle LaMalfa, Best Practices Director & Loyalty Expert - Allegiance | September 30, 2009

Gathering customer feedback is the only way for a company to truly know and understand its customers’ needs, wants, concerns, and issues, as well as create more and lasting value for them. However, while most companies receive customer feedback, whether unsolicited (e.g. via comments, suggestions, complaints, questions, concerns, etc.) or by proactively soliciting feedback through surveying, many still struggle to manage and act upon that feedback in real-time. More importantly, sometimes crucial customer concerns and issues aren’t being heard by the people who need to know most.

Regardless of whether customer feedback is managed by a single person or multiple people in an organization, or even a third-party provider, companies need to ensure that they are putting the right voice of the customer (VOC) programs and processes in place to support their organization’s collection, management and use of that data.

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