With consumer confidence sinking to record lows and nearly every business rethinking its value proposition, there is no better time to develop and deploy a customer engagement strategy that will earn a sustainable competitive advantage. In this paper, Affinion Group will explore the concept of customer engagement and propose a framework for building an emotional bond through the New 4 P’s of Customer Engagement Marketing. The New 4 P’s build upon the traditional 4 P’ s of Marketing, also known as the Marketing Mix, which include Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. The New 4 P’s are Perspective, Purpose, Proliferation, and Praise. These New 4 P’s are not considered replacements for the traditional 4 P’s; rather, they supplement them, adding an additional layer of motivation that accelerate and heighten customer engagement. This forward-thinking approach will help solidify the brand’s position in customers’ minds through an engagement strategy that ultimately meets or exceeds business objectives, such as increased revenue or profits.