To combat the fractured attention span and dwindling customer loyalty levels among modern consumers, many brands are increasingly turning to digital customer engagement strategies. Since new technologies are continually changing the way that consumers interact with companies, the hope is that digital customer engagement will increase the relevance of that engagement. The goal is to ultimately deepen the connections with digital-minded consumers across new touch points that can both create brand “stickiness” and build long-term relationships. So far, these digital touch points have been able to target consumers with highly relevant and personalized messages through email, SMS, online ads, and various social media channels. Increasingly, however, video is also being thrown into this mix.
At first, it may seem like science fiction, but personalized online videos are becoming a reality. New technologies are making it possible for personalized (or “smart”) videos to deliver relevant messages across the entire life cycle of different customers. Many marketers are starting to use personalized videos that combine customization to increase customer engagement across a multi-touch digital environment. This video technology is beginning to permeate the boundaries of many entrepreneurial sectors including the insurance industry.
Mutual of Enumclaw is one brand that wholly embraced personalized video to elevate its already high-level of customer services. For Mutual of Enumclaw, an agency that works exclusively with local independent agents to offer thoughtful insurance solutions to families, farms, and businesses, this strategy was a way to both retain policy holders and drive long-term loyalty. With help from SundaySky, a leading provider of personalized and real-time video experiences, Mutual of Enumclaw was able to leverage personalized video to drive significant value throughout the entire customer lifecycle.