View the Perspectives from Leaders in Customer Loyalty: How Has Customer Experience Evolved? Webinar here
Creating engaging experiences that actualize emotional bonds and drive customer loyalty might be the best marketing strategy brands can employ. As such, Loyalty360 believes this strategy should be of utmost importance to marketers. Brands and marketers that focus on creating these special, powerful experiences typically reap benefits that competitors not focused on customer loyalty do not. We see growing investment in such customer-centric strategies across all industries, amplified by the digital acceleration brought on by the Covid pandemic. However, even with concerted effort, creating engaging customer experiences and loyalty still presents a major challenge because there is confusion and noise within the industry. Brands have to figure out how to engender internal organizational support, select the right technologies, wrangle data, create the right message, and develop processes to deliver in a meaningful and measurable manner, now more than ever.
In addition, the current marketing environment requires brands to employ analytical skills and a deeper understanding of technology that weren’t necessary just a couple years ago. Data breaches and increased scrutiny around data, as well as privacy concerns and customer access have led to the creation of complex regulations by which brands must abide. Furthermore, customers have come to expect the personalized and convenient experiences offered by leading businesses from every organization and through every channel. Brands also need to collect rich zero-party customer data in order to build rich customer profiles, derive actionable insights from it, and leverage technology that allows for scale. They need to design and develop customer engagement strategies tailored to their specific and potentially diverse and segmented customer base and make sure the importance and impact of those programs and processes are understood internally and externally. The need for objective insights, best practices, and a community focused on customer loyalty grows day after day.
As an unbiased, objective, and market-driven association for customer loyalty, Loyalty360 is in a unique position to help brands navigate these loyalty challenges. To understand the evolving facets of the contemporary marketing landscape, we regularly speak with brands, marketers, suppliers, and consultants who are in the vanguard of the industry. We speak with those who work on the frontline of the paradigm shift toward brand loyalty through relevant and engaging experiences and communication.
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