In-the-Moment Marketing: Capitalizing on a New Marketing Revolution
The GroupFiO Team | October 25, 2022

When individuals describer their smartphone’s role in their person’s life, phrases like “attached to my hip,” “constant companion” and “lifeline” were frequently used descriptions. It is no secret that mobile is quickly becoming our go-to. When we want or need something, we tune in via convenient, self-initiated bursts of digital activity. 

Mobile is an extension of your customer. It’s the way by which you can know when your audience is the most receptive, based on where they are, what they’re doing, what events they are attending, what trips they are on, as well as their preferences.  

In this eBook by Group FiO, you will learn how to engineer mobile brand messages and offers to reach consumers during “micro-moments” in real time. You will read about the four key moment types that represent the full range of user needs and how to connect with consumers in those moments. Readers will also learn how to maximize FiO's new tech to meet consumers in the “I want” mobile moments. 

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