Employee Engagement: A Finance Industry Perspective
Loyalty360 | September 25, 2019

Companies focused on customer loyalty have created a range of strategies to improve brand affinity. They’ve curated once-in-a-lifetime experiences, personalized communications and rewards, and offered generous loyalty program bonuses. Employee engagement is another strategy on which brands are beginning to focus. Companies are coming to realize that an engaged employee is one who will advocate to customers on behalf of a brand. 

However, engaging employees so that they will become brand advocates comes with its own obstacles. We’ve determined, from a Loyalty360 survey on the state of employee engagement, that nearly 70 percent of senior-level marketing representatives believe that 70 to 90 percent of employees are actively disengaged in the workplace. To address this challenge, Loyalty360 spoke with representatives across industries to identify methods brands can use to get employees actively engaged. We published the results of this discussion in our recent Employee Engagement Executive Perspectives report, which is viewable here. 

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