Employee and Brand Loyalty Rewards Go Global Through ITA Group

Employee and brand loyalty Rewarding hard work and appreciating customer loyalty is an encouraging gesture that transcends cultural boundaries. For global corporations, it is also good for business. An effective rewards program can drive customer engagement, increase brand loyalty, and keep employees motivated.

This is the drive behind YayYou! −a new online rewards initiative for global firms. Spearheaded by ITA Group, a leading corporate event management and awards initiative firm, YayYou! promises to help large multinational corporations offer motivational and bonus rewards to employees and channel partners almost everywhere.

To meet the rapidly changing needs and business practices of companies that network with partners, employees, and customers all across the world, YayYou! has positioned itself as a “global online awards solution.” This now includes an updated online catalog, currently available in over nine languages, which offers thousands of different motivational and acknowledgement rewards.

Besides handling the shipping and delivery to various locations in 75 countries, ITA Group also offers customizable awards to encourage and enhance cross-cultural engagement, with approximately 5,000 culturally appropriate rewards available per country.

Points can also be earned and collected through numerous incentives which allow participants to receive even more awards through YayYou!’s proprietary point banking platform.

“We are excited to be able to meet the global incentive and recognition demands of today's companies,” ITA Group President and CEO Tom Mahoney said in a release. “We are putting an innovative, fast and efficient solution on the market that will inspire top performance and drive real business results.”

YayYou! hopes that its unique global rewards program will help corporations foster higher levels of engagement and brand loyalty among employees Employee And Brand Loyalty and partners. Similar strategies have been the cornerstone of successful customer loyalty programs for decades.

YayYou! Will also offer a host of additional benefits including a fast setup process with marginal launch rates, no ongoing fees, real-time package tracking, and global delivery times that average between seven to 10 days.

With YayYou!, recognizing and rewarding people globally is now a lot easier.

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